How about coming to join us?

It’s been great to welcome several new members over the last several weeks. All came to give us a try and decided very quickly that they wanted to stay with us. There’s no better recommendation than that!

Do you (or someone you know) …
…sing in the shower
…sing at the footie match
…sing while you’re working
…think you/they can’t sing (but would like to)
…love singing down the pub
…want to know what it feels like to make music together and entertain audiences?

Maybe you (or someone you know) would like to…
…discover the health benefits of singing
…be a member of a fantastic organisation that genuinely lifts your spirits
…help raise thousands of pounds each year for good causes
…prove to yourself that you really CAN sing even though you say you can’t
…make new friends and have a laugh whilst making great music every week
…or perhaps you’re just curious to find out what this singing lark is all about!


WE’D LOVE YOU TO GIVE US A TRY – TUESDAY EVENINGS AT ST MARY’S CHURCH, EASTWOOD, 7-9pm. YOU’LL BE SURE OF A GREAT WELCOME. Give secretary Ian a call if you have any questions – 07802 758223



