Join us

Singing is good for you!

We are always looking for new recruits in all of our voice parts.

First of all, don’t be put off if you’re not a music reader! Our practice nights always include some great hints and tips on how to use your music to best advantage.

New members are not required to give an audition or voice test.

You will get lots of help and encouragement from established members and after a number of rehearsals you will know yourself if you would like to become a full member of the choir. If you do, and your new-found singing friends think it’s right for you, then you will be invited to join the choir and be allocated your choir performance uniform, all provided by the choir. All you need to provide are your own black shoes and socks.

Music is supplied by the choir for your own individual use and remains the property of the choir at all times. We do not allow photocopying of any of our sheet music, so copies have to be looked after carefully.

Members are asked to pay a donation to the choir to help cover costs. This is currently £120 per year, the equivalent of just over £2 a week, payable monthly or annually. As we are an amateur choir, with revenues derived from local grants and concert fees, member donations are a major source of income for the choir. The level of donation is set each year by members at the choir’s Annual General Meeting, which is normally held in February.

We would be delighted if you decided to come and sing with us and hope that you get as much fun and enjoyment out of singing wonderful music as we do. Have a browse round our YouTube channel and news items to get a flavour of what we do.

If you still have any questions which are not answered here, then send an email to Alternatively, for an informal chat over the ‘phone, call Ian Webster (Secretary) on 01773 718729 or 07802 758223.