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D H Lawrence – finale community thanksgiving service

St Mary’s Church, Greasley St Mary's Church,100 Church Road, Greasley, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Eastwood Collieries’ Male Voice Choir are contributing to this festival finale event. The Festival ends with a vibrant community Thanksgiving Service, organised by the Reverend Denise Dodd, Vicar of St Mary’s, to commemorate the themes of Mining Heritage and the sanctity of the local environment.


ECMVC sing at the Eastwood Remembrance Service

Eastwood Cenotaph Plumptre Way, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC will be singing items for the gathering crowd at the Eastwood Remembrance Day Service at the town’s Cenotaph at the top of Plumptre Avenue.

ECMVC sing around the Christmas Tree at Morley Hayes

Morley Hayes Main Road, Morley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC will be leading guests in Singing Around the Christmas Tree, one of the Christmas events organised by Morley Hayes. After the singing, guests will move to the Pavilion Suite for a festive supper. Please note, this is an event for those who have booked with Morley Hayes. For more information about Morley Hayes and […]

ECMVC with special guests, The Humberston Singers

Parish Church of St Mary Parish Church of St Mary, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire

The Humberston Singers are visiting Eastwood for a joint concert with Eastwood Collieries’ Male Voice Choir. Our guests are an excellent mixed voices choir and in the past we have had the pleasure of being their guests in their hometown of Grimsby. This will be an excellent evening of a wide range of musical styles […]

ECMVC quartet sing for MIND

Ravenshead Village Hall 11 Vernon Cres, Ravenshead, Nottingham, United Kingdom

    ECMVC will be represented by a quartet from the choir at this event at Ravenshead Village Hall. Formed especially for the concert, the quartet are called ‘MINED-FUL’ – hope you see what we did, there! – and will be singing three items, helping to raise funds for the very excellent charity, Mind, which […]


Teversal Village Open Day

Teversal Trails Visitor Centre Teversal Trails Visitor Centre, Carnarvon Street, Teversal, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Eastwood Collieries’ Male Voice Choir will be represented at this fun event – and might even break into song at times! Other attractions include: Police band Colliery band – who are also showing memorabilia and talking about the history of the bandColliery choir – showing memorabiliaMansfield Mining museum displayBilsthorpe heritageElizabethan societyDavid Coleman pit manMini railwayDisplay boards with memorabilia […]

ECMVC are popping up at the Sheps!

The Shepherds Rest, Bagthorpe The Shepherds Rest, Lower Bagthorpe, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Members of Eastwood Collieries’ Male Voice Choir will be popping along to the Shepherds Rest in Bagthorpe on Sunday 20 August to sing a few of our songs. We’d love to see you there!

DH Lawrence Festival finale service

St Mary’s Church, Greasley St Mary's Church,100 Church Road, Greasley, Nottingham, United Kingdom

ECMVC are delighted to have been invited to sing at the finale service of this year’s DH Lawrence Festival. One of the themes for the service is the contribution the Barber family have made to the community of the Eastwood area. Major T P Barber was the first patron of Eastwood Collieries’ Male Voice Choir […]

Music at St Mary’s (Greasley) with ECMVC and Rock ‘n’ Soul Singers

St Mary’s Church, Greasley St Mary's Church,100 Church Road, Greasley, Nottingham, United Kingdom

We’re delighted to be joined by Underwood’s Rock ‘n’ Soul Singers for this event at Greasley Church. ECMVC even has a mention in one of the stained glass windows! Rock ‘n’ Soul Singers is a mixed community choir based in Underwood, Nottinghamshire. Established in 2012, when a group of friends decided they wanted to sing, […]


Eastwood Poppy Appeal Launch

Giltbrook Shopping Park Ikea Way, Giltbrook, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC will be appearing during the day to sing and support the launch of the Eastwood Poppy Appeal to be held on the Giltbrook Retail Park. Expect to see other musical contributions as well as a display of military vehicles to promote the sale of the 2023 poppy. Come along on Saturday 28 October 2023 […]

ECMVC sing at the Mayor of Eastwood’s Civic Service

St Mary’s Church, Eastwood Church St, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC are honoured to have been invited to sing at the Mayor of Eastwood’s Civic Service.

Holgate Primary & Nursery School Christmas Event

Holgate Primary School High Leys Road, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

In 2023, ECMVC had a great time singing with the children’s choir of Holgate Primary School for parents. We’ve been asked back this year to do the same – so we’re looking forward to an afternoon of fun and singing. This is a private event for Holgate Primary parents and carers.

Carols Around the Christmas Tree at Morley Hayes

Morley Hayes Main Road, Morley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Last Christmas, ECMVC had a wonderful time entertaining guests who had bought the special supper and carols package. Everyone had a great time and it was a wonderful way to get set for Christmas Day itself! The choir will be singing from 6pm and will continue until guests move across to the dining room for […]


Sing Into Spring

St Mary’s Church, Eastwood Church St, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC are joined by their friends, the Pye Hill & District Male Voice Choir for this event in Eastwood. Pye Hill appeared at ECMVC’s centenary concert at Nottingham’s Albert Hall in September 2019 and we are delighted to host them at St Mary’s this year. Expect the unexpected as the two choirs will be singing […]


One Voice – ECMVC sing with Underwood Primary School

St Michael & All Angels Church, Underwood Church Lane, Underwood, Nottinghamshire

It’s always a delight to sing with the younger members of our communities and this event will be no exception. ECMVC will be joined by children from Underwood CE Primary School for what promises to be a fabulous night of singing. Tickets will initially be restricted to parents and families of children who attend Underwood […]


ECMVC at Ripley Music Festival

All Saints Church, Ripley All Saints Church, Church Street, Ripley, United Kingdom

ECMVC are returning to support and perform at the Ripley Music Festival this year. What with Covid and all that, it’s been a few years since we last appeared in Ripley but we’re delighted to have been invited back to sing on Wednesday 10 July in All Saints’ Church, Ripley. Tickets are just £5 (under […]


Mansfield & District MVC’s 80th Anniversary Concert – with ECMVC and others

Southwell Minster Church St, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

  ECMVC are delighted to have been invited to perform in this wonderful event. Mansfield MVC have described this wonderful 80th Anniversary event as follows: “To mark such a special anniversary we have invited three of our fellow male voice choirs (Bestwood MVC, Eastwood Collieries MVC and St. Edmundsbury MVC) together with the exciting Ravenshead […]


Eastwood Poppy Appeal Launch

Giltbrook Shopping Park Ikea Way, Giltbrook, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC will be appearing during the day to sing and support the launch of the Eastwood Poppy Appeal to be held on the Giltbrook Retail Park. Expect to see other musical contributions as well as a display of military vehicles to promote the sale of the 2024 poppy. Come along on Saturday 26 October 2024 […]

ECMVC joint concert with Dalesmen MVC

St Mary’s Church, Eastwood Church St, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC are delighted to be renewing our acquaintance with the Dalesmen Male Voice Choir from Derbyshire. The venue is ECMVC’s home ground of St Mary’s Church in Eastwood and tickets are on sale now, priced at £10 for adults and £5 for under-18s. Tickets can be purchased via choir members, or online using our online […]


Eastwood Town Remembrance Day Parade 2024

Eastwood Cenotaph Plumptre Way, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

ECMVC are honoured to be asked to sing once again as the crowds wait for the Remembrance Day Parade to arrive at the memorial at the top of Plumptre Way on Sunday 10 November 2024. Last year the choir were in place and singing from around 10.30am and we suspect a similar timetable will apply […]

The ECMVC Christmas Concert – SOLD OUT!

St Mary’s Church, Eastwood Church St, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

SOLD OUT! It has been quite a few years since the choir appeared in its own Christmas concert on home ground and we’re delighted to be joined by the Brinsley and Nuthall Community Choir at St Mary’s Church in Eastwood! The event is a family occasion and will have a 3pm start.


Carols and festive fun at Morley Hayes – SOLD OUT!

Morley Hayes Main Road, Morley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Last Christmas, ECMVC had a wonderful time entertaining guests who had bought the special supper and carols package. Everyone had a great time and it was a wonderful way to get set for Christmas Day itself! And we’re returning again to this lovely venue to help the festive supper event be the magical event it […]
